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Performance Ads

Let’s get ranked your website quickly

Performance Ads 

Pay Perfrormance ads or Paid Ads are the means to advertise a business on the most popular advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. The biggest Online Advertisement platform today is Google Ads; Search, Display, Mobile Apps & Videos are the categories whose Ads can be placed under Google Ads.

Sovereign Digital Agency’s team of Google Adverts certified professionals has all the technical knowledge that goes into play in Google Ads. With our expertise we help clients achieve their desired spot so that our clients get increased ROI.

Pay Per Click Management

How Performance Ads management works?


To place the Ads, Google provides a bidding system where one can bid for the keywords and place their ads. Google then approves the ads and provides a particular position for the website. But as simple as it sounds, the entire process is very technical and a lot of factors such as time to display the ads, target audience, target location etc. are taken into play while placing the Ads.

Our approach

Keyword Research

It’s very important to consider few factors such as search volume, competitor analysis and website content while suggesting keywords to clients. Our research team is well experienced to suggest the best keywords that will prove helpful for our clients so that they get better results.



Defining KPIs

There are a lot of parameters such as Ads display timing, Target Audience, Age group, Location etc. that has to be properly set according to the nature of business and client’s goal. We define the right KPI’s based on the objective.



Strategy Formulation

 There are various ways of doing off-page optimization and our team of experts is well versed in doing so. A proper plan goes in doing off-page optimization and we prepare custom plans for each website so that we are able to achieve the goal of ranking our clients on the top page of Search Engines.


Quality Score

As much as focusing on the quality of keywords is important, the quality score of the website is equally important. Our team of experts helps our clients with selecting the proper keywords and also suggests on steps to improve the quality score of the website so that we can increase the ROI.



Ad Group

Our Keyword research team finds the best keywords and create different Ad groups based on the search volumes so that our client’s campaign works successfully. These Ad Groups can be enabled at different time and locations to get the best results.



With help of our previous experience and analysis of various competitors, we formulate a strategy that will work for our clients. In the entire journey, we constantly monitor and improvise to generate better ROI.


Our Performance ads management team will help influence your essence on platforms, which will increase the value of your business. We are obliged to transform your thought into a real venture so as to produce income. 65% of people click on Google Ads when they are looking for a service or product online. 55% of people visiting at a retailer’s site from paid ads are more likely to buy than those who came from an organic link. While Search Engine Optimization is an incredible methodology for long haul development, in some cases you truly need a quick lift, ‘Sovereign Digital Agency’ a PPC management firm in Mumbai offers Google Ads services, guaranteeing that the cash you spend is put to the absolute best conceivable use. Google Ads Services – Boost Website traffic, get leads with Google Ads Marketing (Sponsored Links section above/next to the search results page.


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